Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Surf Report

Surf for the next couple of weeks look like it will be flat in South Florida. There is only once change of surf during summer time and that is HURRICANES. Unfortunately nobody wants hurricanes to come but all surfers hope for any hurricane to just swing by the Florida East coast and create some swell. It has been about 3 years since a hurricane has passed through South Florida and we wish to keep it that way.

The weather isn't helping much these days either to be able to enjoy the beach. With rain and even hail one day people just want to stay at home. We cannot let the rain stop us from enjoying our days. The rain will continue to come and the hot weather will just keep getting hotter. If you are dying for some waves just pack your bags and plan a trip because that will be your best bet in getting any waves.

Good luck out there everyone! Seas are flat in South Florida but not all over the world. Make the best of what you can and enjoy mother nature.